Synchronize a Repository

Users can populate their repositories with content from an external source like PyPI by syncing their repository.

Create a Repository

Start by creating a new repository named “foo”:

$ http POST $BASE_ADDR/pulp/api/v3/repositories/ name=foo


    "_href": "/pulp/api/v3/repositories/1/",

If you want to copy/paste your way through the guide, create an environment variable for the repository URI:

$ export REPO_HREF=$(http $BASE_ADDR/pulp/api/v3/repositories/ | jq -r '.results[] | select(.name == "foo") | ._href')

Create a Remote

Creating a remote object informs Pulp about an external content source. In this case, we will be using a fixture, but Python remotes can be anything that implements the PyPI API. This can be PyPI itself, a fixture, or even an instance of Pulp 2.

You can use any Python remote to sync content into any repository:

$ http POST $BASE_ADDR/pulp/api/v3/remotes/python/python/ \
    name='bar' \
    url='' \
    includes:='[{"name": "django", "version_specifier":"~=2.0"}]'


    "_href": "/pulp/api/v3/repositories/foo/remotes/python/python/1/",

Again, you can create an environment variable for convenience:

$ export REMOTE_HREF=$(http $BASE_ADDR/pulp/api/v3/remotes/python/python/ | jq -r '.results[] | select(.name == "bar") | ._href')

A More Complex Remote

If only the name of a project is specified, every distribution of every version of that project will be synced. You can use the version_specifier and digest fields on a project to ensure only distributions you care about will be synced:

$ http POST $BASE_ADDR/pulp/api/v3/remotes/python/python/ \
    name='complex-remote' \
    url='' \
        { "name": "django",
          "version_specifier": "~=2.0,!=2.0.1",
                {"type": "sha256",
                 "digest": "3d9916515599f757043c690ae2b5ea28666afa09779636351da505396cbb2f19"}
        {"name": "pip-tools",
         "version_specifier": ">=1.12,<=2.0"},
        {"name": "scipy",
            {"type": "md5",
            "digest": "044af71389ac2ad3d3ece24d0baf4c07"},
            {"type": "sha256",
            "digest": "18b572502ce0b17e3b4bfe50dcaea414a98290358a2fa080c36066ba0651ec14"}]
        {"name": "shelf-reader"}

You can also use version specifiers to “exclude” certain versions of a project, like so:

$ http POST $BASE_ADDR/pulp/api/v3/remotes/python/python/ \
    name='complex-remote' \
    url='' \
        {"name": "django", "version_specifier": ""},
        {"name": "scipy", "version_specifier": ""}
    ]' \
        {"name": "django", "version_specifier": "~=1.0"},
        {"name": "scipy", "digests":[
            {"type": "md5",
            "digest": "044af71389ac2ad3d3ece24d0baf4c07"},
            {"type": "sha256",
            "digest": "18b572502ce0b17e3b4bfe50dcaea414a98290358a2fa080c36066ba0651ec14"}]

Sync repository foo with remote

Use the remote object to kick off a synchronize task by specifying the repository to sync with. You are telling pulp to fetch content from the remote and add to the repository.

By default Pulp syncs using mirror sync. This adds new content from the remote repository and removes content from the local repository until the local repository “mirrors” the remote. You can also tell Pulp not to mirror, and Pulp will only add new content from the remote repository to the local repository:

$ http POST $BASE_ADDR$REMOTE_HREF'sync/' repository=$REPO_HREF mirror=False


    "task": "/pulp/api/v3/tasks/3896447a-2799-4818-a3e5-df8552aeb903/"

You can follow the progress of the task with a GET request to the task href. Notice that when the synchroinze task completes, it creates a new version, which is specified in created_resources:

$  http $BASE_ADDR/pulp/api/v3/tasks/3896447a-2799-4818-a3e5-df8552aeb903/


    "_href": "/pulp/api/v3/tasks/3896447a-2799-4818-a3e5-df8552aeb903/",
    "created": "2018-05-01T17:17:46.558997Z",
    "created_resources": [
    "error": null,
    "finished_at": "2018-05-01T17:17:47.149123Z",
    "non_fatal_errors": [],
    "parent": null,
    "progress_reports": [
            "done": 0,
            "message": "Add Content",
            "state": "completed",
            "suffix": "",
            "task": "/pulp/api/v3/tasks/3896447a-2799-4818-a3e5-df8552aeb903/",
            "total": 0
            "done": 0,
            "message": "Remove Content",
            "state": "completed",
            "suffix": "",
            "task": "/pulp/api/v3/tasks/3896447a-2799-4818-a3e5-df8552aeb903/",
            "total": 0
    "spawned_tasks": [],
    "started_at": "2018-05-01T17:17:46.644801Z",
    "state": "completed",
    "worker": "/pulp/api/v3/workers/eaffe1be-111a-421d-a127-0b8fa7077cf7/"